Nationwide Financial Literacy Program (NFLP)

Sunday, 19 August 20120 comments

The Nationwide Financial Literacy Program (NFLP) has been sponsored by the Asian Development Bank and launched by State Bank of Pakistan. The purpose of this program is to impart knowledge and understanding of basic financial concepts, products and services to low-income Pakistanis to enable better economic decisions.
Research strongly underscores the need for a program like the NFLP and its strategy has been designed with input from intended beneficiaries, the financial sector, microfinance institutions, consultation with trainers and international financial education experts. The program revolves around knowledge-based workshops conducted to teach people money management skills and encourage use of the formal banking system.

Because successful financial education involves more than simple imparting of information, NFLP's scope includes an intented change in attitudes and behaviour, especially in marginalized communities of both urban and rural areas in Pakistan. Its pictoral handbooks and activity-based workshops aregeared to the learning capacity and situations of its target audience, many of whom may be functionally illiterate.

Given the global financial crunch, national levels of financial literacy and myths sorrunding the formal financial system, NFLP's immediate priority is to help its participants understand how to manage their money along with their rights and responsibilites in order to utilize the system and improve their living standards.
Source: NFLP

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